Focusing on sustanaible development

¿What is sustainable development?

Sustanaibility is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the capacity of future generations, guaranteeing the balance between economic growth, care for the environment and social well-being.

Sustainable development it´s a concept that firstly appears on 1987 at Brundtland´s report that warned people about the negative environmental consequiencies of economic development and tried to find factible solutions to the problems due to the industrialization and the population´s growth.

¿How to reach sustainable development?

Most of the goals that human being has to face such as global warming, lack of water, social inequalities or hunger just can be achieved from a global perspective and promoting a commitment with the environmental balance and economical growth.

Natural resources, energy and sustainability.

We all have to understand that there´s no another planet, and the point is to take care of it.
Natural resources aren´t unlimited and it´s necessary to use them in a right way. There are 3 clear rules about use of resources:

1. Any resource could be used at a faster rate than his generation to ensure it´s renewable.

2. Any contaminant could be produced at a rate greater than that which can be recycled or neutralized.

3. Any non-renewable resource could be harnessed faster than necessary in order to replace it with a renewable resource that will be used in a sustainable way.

It´s obvious that we can´t deny the reality of the critical situation of the environment in short and long term as a consequence of mistakes in the past. Therefore, it seems logical to put the analysis of preventive alternatives before the corrective actions offered by technology. History has shown us that an advanced attitude allows us to take advantages over the solutions required by the urgency of the moment. The preventive attitude doesn´t necessarily imply an end to economic growth.


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